lesson plan class 5 english lesson plan – The Ant and the

हेल्लो दोस्तों lesson plan class 5 english pdf वाले इस ब्लॉग में आपका स्वागत है दोस्तों यहाँ पर हम रोज बीएड व stc के सभी विषयों के lesson plan class 5 pdf लेकर आते है..

इन लेसन plan pdf को आप डाउनलोड करके अपना टीचिंग कार्य अच्छे से कर सकते है …

आज आपको lesson plan class 5 format for english pdf उपलब्ध करवा रहे है क्योंकी यहाँ पर आप क्लास 5 का लेसन प्लान खोजते आये है ….

नीचे दिए लिंक से डाउनलोड करें…

b ed lesson plan class 5 format for english pdf

lesson plan class 5


5 ENGLISH 40 Min


Learning Outcomes- Importance of “Friendship” is known by the students.

Topic: The Ant and the Dove lesson plan

Teaching Learning Materials- Some pictures showing friendship

Teaching Learning Process-


Method of Assessment


In the beginning of the teaching-

The teacher will use both languages Hindi and English to talk to the students. Teacher will ask – “who is your best friend?” Some students will answer and tell their friend’s name too. The teacher will ask again-

“There are so many students in the school but why a particular boy/girl is your best friend?” The student will answer on the basis of their personal experience.

After a short discussion teacher will clear the real meaning of friendship and tell that the chapter “The Ant and the Dove” is based on true friendship.

5 MIN. Cnversation



In the middle of the teaching-

The teacher will begin to read the chapter aloud repeating every lines two or three times to clear the meaning correctly. He will take a meaningful pause on every new word. He will instruct to the students to repeat the lines with him. When the chapter will complete, teacher will ask the students to read aloud.

Now he will go to every student to observe them. He will motivate the students by patting their back and help them who have any problem to read correctly. After it, teacher will tell that second form of the verb is used for past tense. As

drop dropped  Float  floated Point  pointed, etc.

Teacher asks some oral question related to the chapter:

(a) Where did the ant go and why?

(b) Who wanted to kill the dove?

(c) Why did the ant bite the hunter?

The teacher will help the students to give answer correctly and ensure that they understand perfectly.

20 MIN. Cnversation

& Observation


In the end of teaching-

Teacher will assess the learning of students through the following ,which he will write on blackboard.

Blackboard work by the teacher-

A) Write T for true and F for false statements:

a) The little ant was very hungry.

b) The ant fell into water.

c) The ant saw a hunter.

d) The dove was killed.

e) The ant climbed up the tree.

f) The ant and the dove did not help each other.

B) Complete the following sentences using the past tense of the given words.

a) Alok ………… the job last month.   (leave)

b) Priti …………. her pen in the school. (lose)

c) Barkha………… her homework at 5 O’clock. (finish)

d) Sunil…………. his books on the table yesterday.

5 MIN Observation



Teacher gives homework to the students as below:-

Complete the grid with suitable letters-

  1. It comes after seven E _ _ _ _
  2. This animal had a hump _ _ _ E _
  3. It is opposite of black _ _ _ _ E
  4. Our books are made of _ _ _ E _


Next Planning-  

Teacher will continue the same chapter for the next few days to complete the remaining part of the story and to work on language portion.

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