50+ Lesson Plan for d el ed in hindi pdf download | d el ed lesson plan pdf

How to Make Lesson Plan for d el ed

नमस्कार दोस्तों …स्वागत है आपका हम्रारे इस lesson plan वाले ब्लॉग में ..आज हम यहाँ लाये है lesson plan for deled in hindi pdf download जिसे आप डाउनलोड करके उपयोग में ले सकते है ….

अगर आप द्वारा बताए गए विषय, ग्रेड स्तर, और कसी भी विषय को ध्यान में रखते हुए हिंदी में एक D.El.Ed. (प्राथमिक शिक्षा में डिप्लोमा) कक्षा के लिए एक पाठ योजना बनाने की आपकी इच्छा है,और आप अपनी डायरी में लेसन प्लान लिखना चाहते है तो नीचे एक पाठ योजना का उदाहरण दिया गया है। कृपया ध्यान दें कि यह केवल एक नमूना पाठ योजना है और आप अपने विशेष आवश्यकताओं और आपकी शिक्षण कक्षा के स्तर के आधार पर इसे संशोधित कर सकते हैं। और अपनी कक्षा और विषय के लिए लेसन प्लान तैयार कर सकते है… Lesson Plan for deled in hindi

50+ lesson plan for d el ed in hindi pdf download Sample 

डी एल एड लेसन प्लान लाख की चूड़िया

50+ lesson plan for deled in hindi pdf download 50+ lesson plan for d el ed in hindi pdf download Sample  डी एल एड लेसन प्लान लाख की चूड़िया डी एल एड लेसन प्लान लाख की चूड़िया  50+ lesson plan for d el ed in hindi pdf download Sample  डी एल एड लेसन प्लान लाख की चूड़िया lesson plan for d el ed in hindi pdf download डी एल एड लेसन प्लान लाख की चूड़िया  50+ lesson plan for d el ed in hindi pdf download Sample  डी एल एड लेसन प्लान लाख की चूड़िया


यदि आप द्वारा बताए गए विषय, ग्रेड स्तर, और गणित के विषय को ध्यान में रखते हुए हिंदी में एक D.El.Ed. (प्राथमिक शिक्षा में डिप्लोमा) कक्षा के लिए एक पाठ योजना बनाने की आपकी इच्छा है, तो निम्नलिखित एक उदाहरण दिया गया है। कृपया ध्यान दें कि यह केवल एक नमूना है और आप अपने विशेष आवश्यकताओं और आपकी शिक्षण कक्षा के स्तर के आधार पर इसे संशोधित कर सकते हैं।

ऊपर दिए गये सैंपल लेसन प्लान के आधार पर ही हमने 50 डी एल एड लेसन की pdf तैयार की है जिसमे हिंदी.अंग्रेज़ी,गणित,पर्यावरण जैसे विषयों के लेसन प्लान है …इस pdf फाइल को आप बहुत ही कम रेट पर खरीद सकते है व अपना टीचिंग कार्य आसानी से कर सकते है …. Lesson Plan for deled in hindi

50+ Lesson Plan for d el ed in hindi pdf download

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यहाँ पर आपकोd el ed lesson plan pdf के माध्यम से एक अलग फॉर्मेट में लेसन प्लान सिखा रहे है जिसे भी आप स्वयं बना सकते है ..

Lesson Plan for deled in hindi

d el ed lesson plan pdf Format / Sample 

Certainly! Here’s an example of a lesson plan for a D.El.Ed. (Diploma in Elementary Education) class. This lesson plan focuses on teaching a mathematics topic to elementary school students. Please note that this is just a sample, and you can modify it based on your specific requirements and the grade level you are teaching.

Subject: Mathematics
Topic: Addition and Subtraction
Grade Level: 2nd Grade
Duration: 45 minutes

Lesson Plan for deled in hindi


By the end of this lesson, students will be able to: Lesson Plan for deled in hindi

1. Understand the concepts of addition and subtraction.
2. Solve addition and subtraction problems within 100.
3. Apply addition and subtraction in real-life scenarios.


– Chart paper and markers
– Flashcards with numbers and arithmetic symbols
– Worksheets for practice
– Counting manipulatives (e.g., colored blocks, counters)


1. Warm-up (5 minutes):

– Greet the students and engage in a brief conversation.
– Display a chart paper with addition and subtraction problems.
– Ask students to solve the problems mentally and share their answers.

2. Introduction (10 minutes):

– Present the concept of addition using concrete objects, such as counting manipulatives.
– Show a set of objects (e.g., colored blocks) and ask students to count them.
– Introduce the symbol “+” and explain that it means to add or combine.
– Perform a few simple addition problems using manipulatives and have students count along.

3. Guided Practice (15 minutes):

– Distribute flashcards with numbers and arithmetic symbols to each student.
– Write an addition problem on the board, such as 23 + 15.
– Ask students to use their flashcards to solve the problem individually.
– Call on a few students to share their answers and explain their thinking process.
– Repeat the process with a few more addition problems. Lesson Plan for deled in hindi pdf

4. Concept Reinforcement (10 minutes):

– Introduce the concept of subtraction using manipulatives.
– Show a set of objects and explain that subtraction means taking away or removing some of the objects.
– Introduce the symbol “-” and explain its meaning.
– Perform a few simple subtraction problems using manipulatives, and have students count along.

5. Independent Practice (10 minutes):

– Distribute worksheets to each student.
– Instruct students to solve the addition and subtraction problems on their own.
– Circulate the classroom to provide assistance and feedback as needed.

6. Conclusion (5 minutes):

– Review the key concepts of addition and subtraction with the class.
– Summarize the lesson and its practical applications.
– Address any questions or concerns from the students.

Extension Activity (optional)

– Divide the students into pairs or small groups.
– Provide them with a set of word problems involving addition and subtraction.
– Instruct them to solve the problems collaboratively and present their solutions to the class.

Assessment: Lesson Plan for deled in hindi pdf 

– Observe students’ participation during the class activities.
– Review the completed worksheets for accuracy and understanding.
– Monitor students’ ability to explain their thought processes during problem-solving.


It’s important to adjust the lesson plan to cater to the specific needs and abilities of your students. Consider including differentiated activities and additional resources to support learners who may require extra assistance or challenge. Lesson Plan for deled in hindi


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Lesson Plan for deled in hindi

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