lesson plan class 5 english pdf | english lesson plan for btc, d.el.ed

हेल्लो दोस्तों lesson plan class 5 english pdf वाले इस ब्लॉग में आपका स्वागत है दोस्तों यहाँ पर हम रोज बीएड व stc के सभी विषयों के lesson plan pdf लेकर आते है..

इन लेसन plan pdf को आप डाउनलोड करके अपना टीचिंग कार्य अच्छे से कर सकते है …

आज आपको lesson plan class 5 english pdf उपलब्ध करवा रहे है क्योंकी यहाँ पर आप क्लास 4 का लेसन प्लान खोजते आये है ….

नीचे दिए लिंक से डाउनलोड करें…

b ed lesson plan class 5 english pdf

Class 5 Lesson Plan


5 ENGLISH 40 Min


Learning Outcomes- The children know the importance of exercise to stay healthy. They can recite the poem.

Topic- RUN

Teaching Learning Material- Text book, TLM, ICT clip on DIKSHA App.

Teaching Learning Process-


Method of Assessment


In the beginning of the teaching-

The teacher will talk to the children with the following question- a) Which games do you like to play? b) In which games do you have to run?

After above discussion the teacher will say “Children! Today we will recite the poem RUN.”

5 MIN. Cnversation



In the middle of the teaching-

Away from…………away. The teacher will recite the poem and the children will listen carefully.

Teacher will ask the children to recite the poem with activity. He will tell hindi translation also and will ask the children to write the difficult words in their notebook.


20 MIN. Cnversation

& Observation

In the end of teaching-

The teacher will make group of five children to recite poem with activity. Other groups will repeat the activity.

lesson plan class 5 english

5 MIN Observation


  1. a) Find out the opposites of the given words from the poem: In, Mare, Front, Near, Above
  1. b) Complete the words:

Tr_ _s

Sh_ _ p

St_ _  m

T_ _ ch.

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सभी प्रकार के लेसन प्लान के लिए यहाँ क्लिक करें

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